Consumer Report


This company withdrew $30.00 from my account and I was charged a $40 NSF fee from my bank. The company has refused to refund my money and the customer service agent hung up on me when I tried to gain additional info. This is the third time my account has been jeopardized by a payday loan company.

Company: Loans4UToday
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Newark
ZIP: 19714
Address: 4729 Argonne Street
Phone: 7752001525
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Payday Loan Resources Center
Committed FRAUD! Withdrew Money and will not return it

ID Theft Protection
Refused Refund

Global Payday Loan Cash Net 500 Financial
Global Payday Loan - Cash Net 500 Financial they withdrew $445.00 from my checking account without my authorization. My checking account is now -$107.00. They also charged me $270.00 in interest fees. Ripoff

Consumer Report

Identity Theft Protection
I applied for a payday loan and since they had my account information they charged me for some id theft service that is attached to there applying for a loan. They charged my bank account and will not give me a refund

Payday Loan Resourse Center
They withdrew $6.78 from my checking account unauthorized by me.internet

USA Financial
Withdrew $200.00 from checking account, then failed to send loan info, and won't refund money

Uniguard Freedom
Uniguard, never trust this payday company

Secure Identity Services
Withdrew Money From My Bank Account

Westbury Ventures - The Loan Shop
Withdrew Money From Account when they had not provided a payday loan