Consumer Report


Dissatisfied with customer service and company policy! Company will not refund an unused NOOK gift card of $25 since we no longer have any credit card (all cards have been paid off and destroyed). At the time of purchase, about two years ago, the store clerk informed us we do not need a credit card, that the gift cards will suffice. Now, customer service's "solution" was to give the card away as a gift to a friend, use it in-store, or sell it online. Unacceptable! My option is not to give this away. I do not need to filter through my friends to find someone who is not using an Amazon Kindle, or Apple Inc.'s iPad. I do not need to post on Craig's List looking for a random stranger to solve my issue with BN. Their excuse is DRM rights... As an end-user purchaser of digital content, it is not my obligation to pay any type of DRM fees, this is a corporate matter to handle with the publishers. Besides, they would receive my money by means of the gift card I just purchased and they will not accept! They should not need a credit card to validate our identities. They have our address on file as we used a credit card in the past (cards are now destroyed). They tell me that we need anybody's credit card information, just as long as it's a valid card. Does that mean to say that if I steal someone's card, I can use that to satisfy the DRM issue? How about they offer some valid and legal options to either use this gift card or refund the value and cancel the card? I understand that it may be used in store, however the card was specifically for ebook usage. This does not solve the ebook issue. Due to their policy, we are no longer able to purchase ebooks since we have no credit card. It doesn't have to be refunded if we are allowed to use it as we wish, to buy ebook! The card blatantly says Nook all over. This is a deceptive sales practice as the gift card also does not state that valid credit card is required for ebook purchases. We bought it for ebooks, not for music, magazines, pastries, or games.

Calling the company and posting to their facebook turned no resolution. Https://

Company: Barnes&
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Lyndhurst
ZIP: 07071
Address: Barnes & Noble, Inc., P.O. Box 111
Phone: 8009626177
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Barnes & Noble
Barnes and Noble, Nook Books On-Line Purchasing Gift Card Scam

Barnes & Noble
Barnes & noble Gift Card

Barnes and Nobel
Consumer Report

Barnes & Noble
Will not accept gift card! Pathetic losers!

Barnes & Noble
B&N Gift Card Policy

Consumer Report

Barnes and Noble Nook
Consistently inferior customer service

Paid with a Visa gift card and they would not give me a refund by cash or other visa gift card

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