Izzonet Scammed My Money
Consumer Report


Our trouble with Izzonet began last year in October. We signed a contract with Izzonet to develop a custom online store. They took our money $800 for half of the payment to start the work and we would pay the remaining $700 upon completion.

We spent a ton of money and efforts working the website page look and feel. They told us (in the contract) that the website would be ready in 4-6 weeks. Well four weeks turned into 4 months and nothing was delivered.

In the mean time, their tools were causing our data to corrupt during imports and uploads. It was a nightmare of an experience working with Izzonet... One thing after another. Really a bunch of rookies with no real business future.

After 5 months finally they, Maor Liel the Izzonet rep., told us they would deliver a full working website on Feb. 15 2013. Well, nothing was delivered again.

Now they would not answer email and cannot be reached by phone. Others Izzonet's customers are in similar situation, see complaints link http://usacomplaints.com/complaints/izzonetcom-they-are-gone-c660697.html.

We have spent a lot of money, $10,000 and a lot of time and this costs us our business. We worked with the sales rep. Called Maria Vasilevsky and the customer service manager, Maor Liel and they promised us the world, great product, excellent customer support etc. These people are complete liars and they never intended to follow through.

Now we spent a lot of money with nothing to show and wasted 5 months. Their web tools had a lot of problems too and they messed up all our imported data that cost us thousands of dollars to fix.

I'm starting to wonder now if all the positive reviews written about them were scams as well. I think they probably had their people wrote them. I can't imagine that there's so much positive reviews about them. I know we had a horrible experience with them.

Do your home work and pick a more solid ecommerce company for your web hosting. What we have learnt is that the reviews on the internet don't reflect the real reality and can be manipulated as in the case of Izzonet. They are expert scams.

Company: Izzonet Scammed My Money
Country: USA
Phone: 9413283243, 8886522672
Site: izzonet.com
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