Consumer Report


I used the 15 day trial. Loved them.
I purchased a month for $99.
Half way into month one got a call stating a "Deal" of $300 for 6/mos. Plus one extra. So, I said $200 more and I get 7 months? They said yup, I was in! Just days after, they are gone.

They haven't responded to any of my emails or phone calls in 10 days. I know that their system is very good, and the design software is nice. They also claimed to have 24 hour support. About 8 days ago, I logged on and my e-commerce store was erased. All products and my template. I tried to get a hold of them and just like that, there was no more chat. They won't answer the phones or return emails.

Then I started looking up them online (google etc.) and realized that all posts seem fake or are done by freelancers. 20 pages of google of them being glorified and how great they are and as far as I can see, they are all fake. I know a lot of people have stores there so I can't imagine they just left, but then I see the site is owned in Israel so I don't really know.? A few of us were making comments on facebook asking Izzonet what was going on, then after 2 or 3 days, they remove their facebook. After 5 emails, 10 calls, chat requests, twitter attempts, you name it, it is obvious this company has skipped town. I logged on yesterday to izzonet.com (still running, but no chat available, and no support), I clicked the chat button and the "no chat available screen" was shown. But in the email box, was someone's email. Bad privacy practices but I figured they must also be a member that has realized they too were scammed, so I emailed this person and asked if they too are having issues reaching izzonet... Soon after, I got this message FROM IZZONET (They Live!)
We are requesting you to stop your actions against our company, by sending emails to our customers.
We are requesting you to take back and apologize, immediately, to the customers that you sent an email to, or else, we will act with all force legally against you
Best Regards,

IzzoNet eCommerce Experts Team | IzzoNet
(1-888-6522672 US Toll Free
8 support@izzonet.com
Stay in Touch |Web| LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest

Well, Im fairly sure I did nothing against the law, so my respnse was

There is someone actually there? Well, you can legally come after me all you want. I've tried to reach you for a week. As of today I have called 20x and left 3 telephone messages. I have emailed the three email addresses, that I have incoming email from and got no response at all, to 3 emails each. I tweeted you three times with a request to be called. I clicked the 24/7 chat button about 50 or more times in the past week and got nobody. Not once. I also used the message feature inside the chat, two or three times requesting support, of course no response. This is where I saw the customers email address in the email text box. Thats pretty bad privacy practices. I figured I would email this owner and ask if they too are having no response from izzonet. I also asked for you on Facebook. And using my 1st amendment rights told others the truth about the izzonet situation. You're going to come after me legally because I told the truth, as did others that a week had passed with no support. And then, you take your Facebook down? This is the classy business I chose to have, represented by their name, on my website where I promote the golden rule? Don't ask for an apology from me if you can't first see the 20 things you've done wrong this week.in fact I have not received any email responses to my request as to the reasons my site was completely erased. Please answer that email and include any apology you think might be warranted based on the company I AM PAYING FOR A SERVICE doing what they did for the last week. I have no reason to, nor will I apologize to anyone about being lied to, deceived, stolen from and ignored. You have the best product. You have made a great site with TONS of features. Why are you leaving the site? Or are you on a 10 day vacation? In which case you can apologize for not letting people know. Taking a vacation without letting customers know, customers who were lured in with a claim to 24/7 chat, is irresposible.

Please respond to this email with the anticipated recovery of my site content or
A date of refund of my investment to my PayPal account, or anticipated response to my other inquiries on your various contact venues.

A confused customer who isn't even sure he still has a site right now. It works but the company is gone.

Ps... Please let me know what the heck is going on?

Company: IzzoNet.com
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Sarasota
ZIP: 34238
Address: 4283 Express Lane, #R5387
Phone: 9413283243, 8886522672
Site: izzonet.com
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Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Izzonet Scammed My Money
Consumer Report

Consumer Report