Ccs - First National
Ccs aka first national rip-off! Attempt. Scam Continues


I received a letter with a credit card attached and saying "You have been approved. Call for activation. As I read on, I noticed it was a "Merchant" Card, i.E., purchase from catalogs. I was even approved for $6,500.00. I never applied for this card.

Upon going on the internet to check out the website, I was fortunate to find the "Rip-Off" reports. I had my doubts but seeing the consumer complaints confirmed everything for me. This type of scam happened to me three (3) years ago when $250.00 was pulled from my checking account. A different name was used, but
the same scam.

I complained to Better Business and my state's Attorney General's Office. Before they can catch these "jerks", they pulled out of society. Now they're back under a different name. Please beaware. DON'T GIVE YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR BANKING ACCOUNT NUMBER TO ANYONE ON THE PHONE OR THE INTERNET!

I called the toll free number to see if I could speak to a live person, but no avail. You're suppose to activate your card through their automation system. This should raise your eyebrow.

I've cut up the card and will wait to see if they'll attempt to send out another. DO NOT ACTIVATE THE CARD...! Thanks for the ability to publicize information concerning predators that leeches off of innocent victims.

Company: Ccs - First National
Country: USA
State: Nevada
Phone: 8007171278
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Ccs Credit Service Division - First National Merchant Card
Ripoff, fraudulent

CCS / First National Card
CCS/First National Card Approved First National Card Credit - Unsecured - Fraudulent Company to obtain banking information

CCS/First National Card/First National Merchant Card
CCS First National Merchant Credit Card consumer fraud

CCS First National Card

Ccs First National Card
Is a ripoff business that will steal your money. Las vegas

CCS The First National Merchant Card

Offered rip off catalog only credit card

CCS and First National Card
C.C.S. And First National Card of are to be avoided

CCS First National Card
Sent a credit card without me giving an application

CCS First National Card
CCS, First National Card Charged my account for credit card to purchase over priced merch. $300 mo. Minimum