CCS First National Card

Business & Finance

I was sent a pre-approved credit card letter from CCS with a $5000 limit all I needed was to send them $39 to Miami. I received a card in the mail with a $6,500 limit but I find out that I can only use it for their catalog. I called the toll free number to activate it but then they asked for a checking account which seemed odd, I told them I didn't have one and was congratulated on receiving the card and was given a long distance number area code 702 to call and activate the card. I went to the internet to see what kind of merchandise they had and I saw the the bad credit report.
Spartanburg South Carolina

Company: CCS First National Card
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 61 W. Utah, Ste. 63
Phone: 8007171278
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Ccs/first National Card
Ccs - first national card rip off artists

CCS - 1 First National Card
CCS Card with limit preapproved for 6,500.00

CCA - Aka CCS Aka Credit Service Devision Aka First National Card 1
CCA First National Card 1 CCA CCS Credit Service Devision Aka First National Card 1 total ripoff, I feel so violated, stealling all your money, usless cheep catalog

Ccs Credit Service Division - First National Merchant Card
Ripoff, fraudulent

Ccs First National Card
Is a ripoff business that will steal your money. Las vegas

Offered rip off catalog only credit card

First National Credit Card

CCA - First National Card One
CCA Aka First National Card One rip-off! Fraudulent credit card!

CCS First National Card
CCS, First National Card Charged my account for credit card to purchase over priced merch. $300 mo. Minimum

First National Card
Took $200.00 out of my bank account and sent me a fraud card. I have no phone number to contact anyone except a recording Ripoff