GE Money Bank
Consumer Report


Although in my case, I didn't get scammed. But came close too. I'd like to forewarn anybody getting calls, stating that you have been pre-approved for a $3,000.00 dllrs loan. He, named Ray, left a message with a relative. Stating: I've been pre-approved for a $3,000.00 loan. Ray left his ph# 813-406-7048, I than called back to that #. When he answered, he didn't answer with stating GE Money Bank, he just answered as if I was calling a friend. But anyhow he proceeded with confirming some my personal info. With him. And than instructed me that I had to go to local grocer such Wal-Mart or Walgreen's to buy 2 visa pre-paid cards w/o valdiating them. Than after he told me to call him back so he could provide me with the pin#'s to them. Something didn't sit right with me and I told him, I wasn't interested after all. Just to advise anyone (body) who might get a call of the same nature. Just ignore it or hang-up on them.

Company: GE Money Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
ZIP: 33688
Address: 1404 Ocean Dr
Phone: 8136754840, 8133980231
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