DVD Gato
Consumer Report


I ordered original tv shows "dark shadows" and did recieve them - first disc did not play in my dvd player. It froze up and i sent an e - mail to them. They sent one back promising to replace them. Nothing came in the mail-so i sent another e-mail then they said the supplier had been closed over the holidays til jan 14 and my replacement would arrive shortly. I really wanted my dvd's to work. Reading other complaints i see some never recieved product. If they had probably wouldn't have worked either! We all need to stick together and we all deserve a refund. This is terrible.

Company: DVD Gato
Country: USA
Site: dvdgator.com
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DVD Gato
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Orders@tvaddicts. Tv, Orders@dvdavenue. Tv, Orders@tvdvdplanet.com tvaddicts Defective DVD sales

DVD Tige
Consumer Report

DVD Gato
Consumer Report

DVD Gato
Consumer Report

DVD Gato
Consumer Report

DVD Bliss
I ordered the Dark Shadowscollection two of the DVD's did not play. I emailed them several times for replacemetnts. They never did replace them

Target's Replacement Plan

Sure Health Plans
Ripoff theft by deception on phone and untimely mailing of review package