Verbach Audio
Consumer Report


Was at one of the local wells fargo banks, go through the atm drive through, a man in a white truck pulls up and says he got extra speakers from what he ordered, so asked if i wanted to buy them, i didnt reply and he said just pull around to the front and i could have a look at them, i did. I was hesitant but he started talking money and how the msrp of the speakers was 2500$, said they could be mine for 400$, i told him i couldnt do it, he lowered it 200$ i said i couldnt do it. So he lowerd it again to 160$ i hesitantly said yes, after i got home, realized i had been scamed went to look for the guy, he was gone. Found this web site, hope it can help.

Company: Verbach Audio
Country: USA
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