Audio File
Two fast talkers in a new white suv ripped me off San Marcos

Electronics and household app.

I had just left my dorm for work a couple of days ago, when 2 clean cut white college aged guys pulled up next to me in a brand new white suv. They pulled up next to me and the fast talker spit out some bull about his boss ordering too many speakers. He said he was looking for somone to take them off his hands because he couldnt take them back to work or his boss would take them home.

He got me to pull over and asked me if I would just buy them from him. He showed me a really good looking brochure that had a list price of 1500 dollars a peice for the speakers. He even pulled on out for me to see, and showed me a very professional looking warrenty.

Anyway, I told him i only had 250 bucks, and that i didnt want to buy them. But i would hold them for them untill they got off work. The guy said that was cool, but he wanted some collateral. So i gave them my cell phone number and went to the atm to get some cash. I paid them the 250 (which was all of my money) thinking that they were gonna come back and get them back from me and give me my money back.

Needless to say they didnt, and i am stuck with two speakers that apparently dont work for crap. If anyone catches these guys let me know. I want my pride back.

San Marcos, Texas

Company: Audio File
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Audio File
(danny) ripoff, scam artists, audio file speakers thx 6.1, very fast talkers