Mystery shopper website
Consumer Report


The company sent me a check for $1,4446 to deposit on my account. And later to call them back and follow the next instructions i just deposit it today and i am so afraid that it might be a scam. I should have done my research, i deposit it. But my friend had done it before not with the same company though, so since he had done it i felt confident enough and didnt think any of it. But now im terrified.

Company: Mystery shopper website
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
ZIP: 30344
Address: 2837 Church St
Phone: 4047665936
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Shopper Systems and Surplus Suppliers
Consumer Report

Mystery Shopper - FSNB - Solution Market Research
Mystery Shopper, FSNB, Fort Sill National Bank, Solution Market Research, Rip Off, Criminals. Scam Artists

International Marketin Concept Ltd
Issuing fraudelent checks to deposit in ur bank account posing as a mystery shopper co Ripoff

Consumer Research Company
Mystery Shopper Scam, I received this letter from them about being a mystery shopper with a check for $3699.50 saying that they pay for everything and telling me what to do

Daniel J Strauss — Harris Poll Research Inc
To be Mystery Shopper, take check and deposit, money Gram back to someone

Job Solutions
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Advance Consumer Research
Lewis Collins Change of the Mystery Shopper Rip Off

RoPak Packaging
Ask me to be a Mystery Shopper and they sent me a check for $3,960.02 to shop and return a portion to them in

City Market Research
Mystery Shopper Scam using post dated check 06/03/12

Our Mystery Shopper
Ronald Kilburn, Felipe Atkins, Thomas Tewell Our Mystery Shopper Scam