Fans Of The Nba
Fans of the nba threatening players ripoff


What happened recently between fans and players of the indiana pacers was uncalled for.

The fans got what they deserved. If fans wouldn't throw beer or hurl insults at the players, the players wouldn't dash into the stands to attack these unprofessional fans. The fan who went into the court to attack the players got what he deserved. He got plowed down and sent to the hospital, that'll teach him to stay where he belongs. Stupid lame @$ fans who hurl insults or throw stuff at the players have no place at sporting events.

I just wish the players had found the guy who threw the beer and beat the crap out of him. That guy who threw the beer is to blame for this entire thing. He should be charged with inciting a riot, criminal assault, and should be held liable in civil court.

There is no excuse for fans acting the way they do. If they do act foolishly, then it should be expected the players will put the fans in their place. Remember, its a privillage to go to these sporting events. It is not a right. The players don't have to perform for the knuckleheaded fans who are unruly. The players put up with so much crap and heckling from fans, i completely understand when the players loose it.

I condemn the nba commissioners decision to suspend the players involved. The commissioner should have banned the fans involved from ever attending nba events again. I can see this coming, some of the stupid fans are going to cry wolf and file frivelous lawsuits. They will find any excuse to get rich.

If i was one of the players and someone tossed beer at me i would have done the same thing. If fans acted professionally and used good sportmanship, then there would be no problems.

Also, several years back, a parent in a youth baseball even (the father was upset because the opposing team won) so he went down to the playing area, starting crap with the winning team and the coaches. The father planted his hand on a winning teammembers body by shoving that player. The parent of the winning teammember had a gun and shot the unruly father who shoved his son. That father is now lying 6 feet under with dirt and worms.

I commend the quick action of a concerned parent for defending his son and the other players who were clearly in danger. The parent who shot the aggressor was later acquitted! I was estatic! Many people, including me sent letters to our lawmakers requesting that this person not be charged with a crime.

The moral of this story is those fans who act aggressivley should be held accountable for their actions. Thank you.

Company: Fans Of The Nba
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Detroit
Address: 123 Punch Blvd
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