Consumer Report


I ordered a caravan cover on the 9th December in the amount of £126.45. The money was deducted from my credit card on the 11th December, though we have still not received the item. Despite numerous telephone calls and emails I have still not received any response from this company.
I have since escalated the matter as a dispute with my Credit Card company.

I'm a regular shopper on the internet and this is the first time I've been scammed by a fraudulent company who claim to be something other than they are. Fortunately, I paid on my credit card.

Do not be taken in by the slick website and the positive testimonials. It's a scam.

Country: USA
Address: 145-157 ST JOHN STREET
Phone: 4408432896457
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CaravanCoverShop. Uk
Consumer Report

The Main One Group, Inc
Ordered and paid for item but have not received

JAI Appleseeds Reward
Deducted $1.95 from my credit card in December and deducted $14.95 from my credit card every month from January until I discovered the scam in October

Mango Slim Solution
Consumer Report

Electronic Dealz
Failed to provide replacement tablet. I cannot get a refund on my Sears card!

Rochelle Gordon
Psychic, Author Ripoff, Dishonest, Fraudulent, Lose Money, No Respnse

Premier Electronics
Never sent me my purchase when ordered online

Never sent merchandise paid for and didn't responded to emails or telephone calls

Franklin Financial Solutions
Franklin Marketing Scammed by Franklin Financial Solutions

Urban Gear, Have never received shoes, dont return emails, always get answering machine, never answer phone