Fine@FBI. Gov
Consumer Report


My desttop computer was locked, stating that i was downloading or viewing phorn and that i had to pay $300.00 in 72 hours or i would be criminally charged. I payed the $300.00 and is witing for my computer to be turned back on. I want to know if this is a ligimate organization? How do i get my computer turned back on and who has my $300.00 dollars?

Company: Fine@FBI. Gov
Country: USA
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Fine@FBI. Gov
Consumer Report

Fine@FBI. Gov
Consumer Report

Fine@FBI. Gov
Consumer Report

Fine@FBI. Gov
Consumer Report

Fine@FBI. Gov
Consumer Report

Fine@FBI. Gov
Consumer Report

PC cleaner Pro
This company advertises that it cleans up your computer for free, after scanning your computer for problems they charge a discounted 29.97. After paying for the cleanup the tech tried to sell me an a

Fine@FBI. Gov
Consumer Report

Fine. Fbi. Gov
Consumer Report

Fine@FBI. Gov
Consumer Report