Workers comp lawyers
Sent to non mpn doctor told to not attend appt with co doc

Lawyers & Legal Counseling

Got injured at the office ca supermarket with english guardian company therefore my chef ahole requires me how I truly got hurt i obtain a lawyer he directs me to some document that insurance provider doesn't identify attorney small pup informs me not to observe occ med doctor my company employs after 5 weeks easily had heeded small pupis guidance I'd have now been finished from my emploer whose wallet is small pupis submit i dismissed his mongrel bottom and he lied to his companions yeeeeccch attorneys, employees compensation and ahole employers

Company: Workers comp lawyers
Country: USA
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Workers Compensation Board
Doctor Gave false report

Aig Domestic Claims, Inc Aka American Home Assurance Company Aka Aig
AIG DOMESTIC CLAIMS, AMERICAN HOME ASSURANCE COMPANY AIG Having to sue Worksman's comp to get medicial for on job injury

State of Texas
Injured in the, what the insurance companines WON'T tell you!

State Compensation Insurance Fund
Workmens Compensation Insurance Fundstate Compensation Insurance Fund arnolds new laws, doctors allowed to practice in bad ways, making injuries worst ripoff And Selma

Art Adams Law Offices
Got paid for my settlement and left me with all my unpaid medical bills ripoff

Dr Adel Semaan
Fraudulent Billing, Deceptive, Illegal insurance billing, Encouraging patients to lie on claims to over bill insurance

Dr. Farooq Ibrahim Selod E1412
Ripoff the business that doesn't give a dam

Dr Adel Semaan
Westwood Medical Center Fraudulent Billing, Deceptive, Illegal insurance billing, Encouraging patients to lie on claims to over bill insurance

Alabama Unemployment Office
How can employers flat out lie about you & make up stuff and get away with It then the unemployment office believes there side without them showing proof or hard evidence I am without a jo

Churchill Evaluation Centers
Independent Doctor Howard Bernsten, Bull Shit, he works for the insurance company!