
Lawyers & Legal Counseling

When shopping at Wal mart was talking to a co worker about current events, and latter when I needed to pick up my truck from a oil change I needed to cancel a battery change due to they didn't have a battery with enough AMPS. I was harassed by the employees in the effect they didn't get my paper work correct and had to wait a very long time until they redid the paperwork and the computers had issues and the manager couldn't help much due to the computers the next day I was shopping for a TV and herd the assistant manager tell someone to run their shopping cart into my foot a woman then acted ran her cart into my foot and acted like it was a accident but was laughing and when I didn't respond with anger she scurried off

Company: Walmart
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Thacher
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Shopping cart

Walmart very bad service & em - Lousy service & employees

Wal-mart Assistant Manager Brian
Sexually Harassment

Walmart Gift Card
Consumer Report

First Data Cardservices International
Reselling Merchant Cart Manage
Lied! Said my new website could connect to my current shopping cart but it can't

FSK Audi
Attempt to sell new battery when battery is not needed and customers battery was run dead by Audi service personnel

Liability Claims

ABC Distributing
Ripoff North

Complaint - Service