Portfolio Recovery Associates
Terrible company

Lawyers & Legal Counseling

About a year ago I received a collection letter from this company which I ignored and did not even open. I went through a divorce 15 years ago and lost everything. I have worked hard to pay my bills and repair my credit by paying ALL my bills on time for the past ten years even in spite of two major illnesses which caused me significant medical expense. I have gotten a free credit report every year for the past three years and nothing that they have claimed I owe shows up on any of my credit reports for the past three years.

About a month after the letter arrived they started calling up to three times a day. They claim that I owe $10,000 to Capital One Credit. I never had a credit card with a balance over $2,000, so this is patently false information on their part. I have asked them over and over to send an accounting of the debt. They have refused, saying they will not give an accounting of the debt until I pay!

The SOL in my state is 6 years.

The last time I took a call from them it was because my 10 year old answered the phone. Before they asked my child to put me on the phone, they asked them all kinds of personal information, like who her parent's were, etc..

I have recently filed a complaint with my State's Attorney General's office.

I know what they are doing is against the law. I recently found out that a good friend of mine who is over 80 years old and living on social security paid them on an old account and I am outraged by the tactics these scumbags use. They should be prosecuted.

Company: Portfolio Recovery Associates
Country: USA
Site: portfoliorecovery.com
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