The reimbursement plan is just a laugh and also the toughest I've ever seen

Internet & Web / Online Scam

They begin having a cheap sign-up but the moment you need to do they anticipate one to buy every action afterwards, that'll endup charging you thousands. Should younot update towards the professional bill you'll receive no online or telephone assistance. The reimbursement plan is just a laugh and also the toughest I've actually observed, you have to buy evrything they let you know and function the website for 2 weeks. They may subsequently provide you with a return minus a control charge at their discression. Odds are they'll discover some justification to not provide you with one.

Company: Homewebsitebuilder.com
Country: USA
Site: homewebsitebuilder.com
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Worst customer service experience of my life

CCI Hosting
Rip off

Garden Ridge - Lewisville, TX
Efund plan

Gem Shopping Network
I will never purchase anything again

Gem Shopping Network
Refund policies rip off

Return Policy

Care Credit
No return

Market Traders LLC/FreeDerm
No returns accepted


Associated Community Services
Former employee