Platinum Online Group
Took money out of my acct. Took information from me applying for something else

Internet & Web / Online Scam

I had been trying to get anything online and somehow the corporation got my info and created a phony check and went it thru my acct. I'm over-drawn. I dont possess a telephone number for them. I havent received something from their website. The check includes a telephone number onto it and its own not mine. I'd like my money-back plus they ought to be delt withj.

Company: Platinum Online Group
Country: USA
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Platinum Online Group
Stole my personal info off another site, now they are trying to steal money out of my bank acct.!

Unified Services

Platinum Online Group
Platinum assist took my money out of my checking acct without my permission! Three times! $99.95, $99.95, $99.49 Then would NOT answer the phone for the number that showed up on my bank statement! This ended up over unknown

Maximum Platinum / Platinum Service
I checked my bank acct and notice they took $99.95 out my account, and i called them to tell them i did not authorize them to take my money so i dispute it. Ripoff Be CareFul. On them payday loans Hamden, Connecticut

Platium online group
Draft my bank acct. Without permision

Platinum Online
Un Authorized withdrawal from my checking acct

Platinum Online Group
Fake telephone #

Ripoff cannot use online acct locked ovrdrfts wrong

Platinum Online Group
Fraudulantly trying to get 99$out of my bank acct

Select Platinum Credit
They tricked me into a voice signature. I was applying for an online loan after I had given all the information they said I was approvied a window poped up and said voice active my signature I thought