Magic Jack
Scam and cheating

Internet & Web / Online Scam

The Magic Jack website is very misleading. I activated my Magic Jack today. I wanted to upgrade to the 5 yr plan and purchased what I thought was the upgrade.instead, I received a confirmation email stating that I'd purchased a new magic jack and the address listed in the order lacked a house number.

The confirmation email stated that if I wanted to change the order, I need only reply to the email, but upon sending a reply I received another message telling me that the reply address is no longer active. This new message had a 'Contact Support' link. Upon clicking the link, you receive a another message stating 'The resource you are requesting was not found. Please contact our site', and you're immediately transferred to: where the video of the daughter of the inventor of Magic Jack echoes the praises of Magic Jack, such a pathetic move by Magic Jack. I really feel sorry for that little girl. It'll be quite an eye opener for her to find out that her dad is a fraud, and used her to promote community trust. And, of course, on that page you have many links of information that will get you no where.

I telephoned my bank to cancel the transaction, but was advised that since the transaction was pending, there was nothing they could do until the money posted. My bank gave me a telephone number for Magic Jack billing: 561-594-2140. When I telephoned Magic Jack billing, I received a recording giving me a choice to either go to back to the website or to telephone another billing number where a live operator would answer 24/7. That number is: 281-404-1551. Needless to say, when I telephoned, I was placed on hold for over 15 minutes listening to their holiday music. Then the music went off and it appeared that my call was picked up, but no one would say a word, the silence went on for an additional 5 minutes, and then I was hung up on. I never spoke to anyone. I made an attempt three times to reach a live billing representative, only to net the same results.

I trust that my bank will assist me in the return of my money, so I'll chalk it up as a 'lesson learned'. However, I do want to blast Los Angeles Times, CNBC, The Boston Globe, The New York Times, BBC, LAPTOP, and PC Magazine for continuing to allow them to use their company name and logos as endorsements on the Magic Jack site. I really believe that as consumers we should also hold these companies accountable for the scam we have been subjected to. We trust these entities to provide us accurate and trustworthy information, and Magic Jack knows that, that's why these companies are listed on the Magic Jack site.

As SCAMMED consumers, I hope you will take the time to write the companies listed above and let them know how they have assisted in scamming and hurting the community. And, insist that they remove their company logo from the Magic Jack website.

Company: Magic Jack
Country: USA
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