online penny auction website
Hard to win auctions, no refunds or reasonable customer service to service you

Internet & Web

I got suckered in to this online penny auction website called - You initially have to buy your "pennies" or bids at a rate of approx $. 75/each. Then you use these expensive pennies to bid endlessly it seems at times on a variety of prizes/auctions. When you decide to buy more bid packs (pennies) you may or may not realize that the bids you are buying expire only after a couple days. I didn't!

I decided to buy 3 bid packs, for a total of $180.00. This gave me approx. 1,000 bids, 800 of them though were of the promo variety. These "promo" bids expire in only 7 days!!! Not fully aware of this rule I lost over 600 of my expensive bids I purchased just 7 days earlier.

When I asked customer service for either a partial refund of my $180.00, or even a or partial refund of the lost and never used 600 bids, they were not going to negotiate one bit. Unless you were ready to spend another $200 to buy new bid packs, they were not willing to listen one bit to any type of refund on the previously lost bids.

I'm in the middle of trying to return some of the product I purchased, to try to recoup some of my lost money, but so far their return department seems very difficult to work with and unwillingly to offer refunds in full.

I made the mistake and got suckered in, but it was very upsetting to deal with a rude, interrupting, aggressive and non negotiating customer service department. They were unwilling to listen to any claims unless you were ready to spend more money. Stay away!!! You most likely will pay at retail or over retail for anything you win. Thats if your lucky enough to win!!!

Company: online penny auction website
Country: USA
Address: 361 Boul Montpellier
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