Wizard 101
Banned my account without warning/refused to refund my money

Internet & Web

I got ripped off by wizard 101.com. They banned my account without warning

And i had alot invested in crown items. They refuse to refund my items.

There reason was they did not like what i had to say about their game and the way

They operate. This a very greedy game and customer support stinks! They promote

Gambling by these hoard packs for good items that you have to spend crowns on which

Cost money to purchase. Your odds are very slim of getting any good items. This game

Is supposed to be kid friendly. What a joke. They are after money and make you spend money

On crowns to purchase these good items! Kingsisle needs to be investigated for fraud and

Shut down! I am going to the attorney general and file a report in DALLAS where they are

Operating out of. They are constantly ripping of their customers. Dont play Wizard 101.

I want all my money back for all the crown items i purchased or my account unbanned!

Company: Wizard 101
Country: USA
Site: wizard101.com
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KingsIsle Entertainment On Line Game ripped off my six year old - won't stand behind their product

Kingsisle Wizard 101 phone 512-625-5983
Consumer Report

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