Microsoft and HP/Best Buy Microsoft WIN8 will not work by Xmas... HP and retailer cover up in history

Internet & Web

I'm so so tired of Microsoft using its clients to find the errors in their apps and OS. They simply dont care... Hey they are the mighty MS and can do what they want. This new OS roll out will be 10x worse than the windows 7 roll out. Windows 8 hangs, has compatibility issues, no connect with Comcast, the printer setup does not have Printer... How is that for stupidity... You can add printers in advanced setup... Forget automation. Windows 8 will make apple millions... AND I have never used Apple... But I am considering it. HP knows of the issues, but keeping a lid on it an hoping for God or Santa to make it all right... Its a huge cover up. Now we have Best Buy who is not at fault for Win8 issues, you cant blame them, win8 is all they have in systems... But the sales people are rude, they hang up on you, they lie. I found a store manager sympathetic as well as their help desk... The Geeks sympathetic... But they are frustrated as almost you will be if you buy win8... in phone or system. My gut is MS will resolve issues by Feb or March... But do not buy the damn thing

Company: Microsoft/HP
Country: USA
State: New Hampshire
City: Salem
Address: Salem NH
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Not happy: (

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