DNS Services
This company just sent us a fake bill for DNS. Scam

Internet & Web

This company sent us a bill stating we needed to register our domains. IT is obvious they get the information from network solutions and are trying to scam everyone for money. Anyone getting this bill, call them and complain and file a complaint...

Company: DNS Services
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Vancouver
Address: 4400 NE 77th Ave Suite 275
Phone: 3605295130
Site: dnssvc.com
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Network Solutions
Steals your domains

Telecom USA
A Verizon Company Complete and total scam. Does our government care to help those who may get trapped by this?

Bill Me Later
Phishing copied site sends fake invoices - Bill me Late

Dish Network
Complain about my billing review - Charlie Ergin

Business Services Online, LLC
Business Services Online Deception, Scam, Phone Bill, Fees

Wealth Information Network
I have no idea who they are and I got a collection company wanting $2,029.00. They say I paid until last payment of 5/23/20 and I went into collection 10/14. The collection agency couldn't give me

FIDO inc
Fido Solutions INC. Ripped me off

Network Solutions LLC
Soliciting worldwide boycott of Network Solutions

Integrated Voice Services
Charges appear on Verizon bill for services never ordered

Lightyear Network Solutions, Lightyear Wireless, Lightyear Alliance
They tried to charge me for a call to an area code that was set up but never put into use