Worst internet ever

Internet & Web

This internet provider isn't worth the money, time or frustration! When the technician came for hookup, it took him 5 hours to get it set up because his computer was down to test the connection - that should have been my first clue! The speed was SLOW, as bad as dial up! I would lose connection all the time - even when the weather was nice! Anytime I had to call and talk to support I could never understand them, they had to repeat themselves multiple times and I sometimes still wasn't sure what I was agreeing to! And then, they always have to transfer you to a different department - and then the connection would be lost, forcing you to call and start ALL OVER AGAIN! I would NEVER recommend this company to anyone!

Company: Hughesnet
Country: USA
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Hughesnet Bad Service - Hughesnet

Unreasonably poor and slow internet reception. Extremely poor customer service!