Clerical Gear
Work at home Ripoff - False Advertising

Internet & Web

Signing up for Clerical Gear, to work at home as a "typist", I have found out that the advertising is false, you do not work as a typist, they want ad placers.

You are charged a one time refundable fee of their Iron Clad Guarantee, it states if not completely satisfied, we will refund your sign up fee.

I have contacted them for 8 days and have heard nothing and gotten no response. Don't sign up for this program. You will not get a refund as guaranteed, and will hear nothing ever again from them, including the supposed monthly newsletter. All they do is take your money.

Company: Clerical Gear
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Newtown
Address: 2756 S. Eagle Rd
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Clerical gear
Clericalgear ripoff false advertising on their website - only want workers to post ads for them

Clerical Gear
Troy And Judy Ellis My Opinion About Joining Clerical Gea
Rip-off! They mislead me. Exaggerated work described and they lied about description of work being offered

Clerical Gear
Ripoff The company doesn't respond at all once they get ur membership fee. It's nothing but a scam

Type Systems
Ripoff! Work at Home Typist Scam Ripped Me Off. Charges People $29.99 for Bogus Opportunity!

Ripoff, no service home based business home typist

Work At Home Typist
Rip-off scam

Refusal to cancel contract within 24 hours of signing

Typist Program -
Ripoff will not pay refund. Work at Home Scam!

Home Typist Program
Ripoff will not pay refund. Scam!