Smart Certify - SkillSoft - ForeFront Direct
Ripoff deceptive misleading practices false advertising pricing

Internet & Web

I filled out the survey on their website to check out some of their course titles... The next day I found myself being called at work by a pushy salesman named Chip (ext 1090)... I told him to call my house phone later on... My mistake for leaving the work number.

I got home and he talked some more sales schpeil... The 100% guarantee (with the stipulation that you have to fax them 2 failed test scores within 90 days to get any refund), they make up prices, anywhere from $900 to 3000, depending on how much they think you can be taken for.

After telling him no he goes into the whole "but this is a one time only deal and I'm going out on a limb for you to even get it."... The pressure tactics he used were unbelievable. Making it seem like he's actually doing something special in my favor. I took one look at the contract and flat out said no... I have never gotten such a rude response in my life, so I hung up after talking for a few minutes with his director, which again was nothing more than pressured sales tactics and bulls*.

Two days later, he called me three times at work. The only reason he stopped calling was because I told him to call me at home (his phrases were something like "are you sure this is something you're still interested in" and "would you like to stop working at (insert business name here) and get a better job?" I did not answer my phone at home when he called, which I consider to be the wisest decision I have made in a while, because Chip was a complete jerk to me as a salesman and I would never deal with a company such as theirs.

I did a little research and found that their customer complaints were more numerous than their customer base. They're not even a real school, like they advertise on TechTV. I don't even see how they can stay in business.

My moral, do not even look at their website. Skillsoft/Smartcertify/ForeFront Direct is just a bunch of scam artists trying to get your money. Do not listen to their pressured sales tactics or let them get you signing anything. Go to a real school

Louisville, Kentucky

Company: Smart Certify - SkillSoft - ForeFront Direct
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: US Hwy 19 N Suite 285
Phone: 8006534933
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Smart Certify - Forefront Direct
Smart Certify AKA Forefront Direct Rip-off! Scam Courses/Services!

SmartCertify Direct
Skillsoft Dishonest Think before you commit read the warranty

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Smart Certify Direct, CBT Direct, CBT, Skillsoft, CBT XPress poor course materials, high pressure sales

Smart Certify
Skillsoft agressive and harrassing sales tactics ripoff

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Direct Buy, Scam Artist

SmartCertify Direct
AKA Skillsoft SmartCertify AKA Skillsoft made fraudulent claims to me

Forefront Direct - Smart Certify
I told them I was not interested and they still call me and harass me. Ripoff
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