Century Link
$150 gift card lies

Internet & Web

I signed up with Century Link bundle package in August. Was promised a $150.00 gift card. After waiting a month, I called was told I wold have to wait 2 billing cycles. I did in November I called again was told I was supposed to have gone on line to register and request the card, I did. After doing so the form stated I wold receive this card by December 1. Today is Dec. 19th nothing yet. I just had a lovely on line chat with an agent who claims I was never offered this card and that there is no record of me every requesting it. Are they serious how do they just blatantly lie like this.

After doing some research on line, I’m just another of thousands this has happened to. Guess I’m switching to someone, anyone else.!! I am currently a CenturyLink customer, for 5 years. When I moved I was being billed at my old address and new address, someone forgot to change it in there computer? I was not aware of this till I got my first bill at my new address. I was scheduled for tv service, which just this year was available in my area, I waited 4 hours, no show. I call CenturyLink only to be told no order excisted. Funny how there are no week-end office hours, for me to call and ask where is the tech.

And I am being over charged, more than once, sounds like crooked employees. Wonder if they do back ground checks?

Company: Century Link
Country: USA
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Century Link
$150 Gift Card Lies

American Credit Solutions
AKA Consumer First Possible AKA Signature Credit Corp. Because I was careful I got lucky. Research potential creditors before applying

Century link


Final bill with no explanation of charges - Centurylink bundle services

No service at any price

Bundle service is HORRIBLE! - Century Link DirectTV Verizon

Consumer Report

Ripoff Prejudicial Practices Internet

Century Link
THey advertised 30 day money back guarantee. Well, try cancelling. I cancelled and applied for my refund in JULY. It's the end of October and I just received a bill for services! Internet