Mallcom - Adult DVD
Mallcom Aka Adult DVD Incompetent cheating rip-off! Don't buy anything from these guys!

Internet & Web

I ordered some DVD's from these guys in May and paid by credit card. I am outside the US but Mallcom prides itself on its "international service"... What a load of bull.

I waited a whole month for them to arrive before I chased it up with their customer services..."Yes sir, your shipment was sent out same day as ordered via US mail, we are unable to track this after it leaves the US."

They told me they prepared my order again and sent that out too, again via US mail. Another month goes by... Seems US mail is just that, can't deliver anything outside the US... Only with Mallcom orders though.

They then suggest I pay for a UPS shipment at $49!! On top of the $30 I have already paid them for postage and packing on the order. "No thanks, cancel my order please and issue a refund please"

"Cant do that sir, there are no refunds after an order has been shipped"

... Bet you didn't see that one in the small print did you. You dont get any DVDs but they sure as hell keep your money. I strongly advise against buying anything from this company. They dont seem to know their head from their a*se.

United Kingdom

Company: Mallcom - Adult DVD
Country: USA
State: New York
City: NY
Address: Mallcom Corp, 55 Sea Cliff Ave, Glen Cove
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Ripoff off copied incomplete videos

Charter Communications
Scam charges

Milford Spice Company
Milford will not ship order - 5 1/2 months have passed

Frontier Pharmacies,,
You think you placed an order, but all you did was gave them your credit card number so they can bill you every month Ripoff

Charter Communications
Fraudulent Adult Movie Charges

The Regency Group
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Moviefilmfes - Excaliburfilms
Moviefilmfest - Excaliburfilms Terrible Service, Not to be trusted even though the Web site looks impressive! Ripoff
Ripoff Money taken but orders don't come through. Kualar Lumpu

Girls Gone Wild - GGW
Received 3 CD's of GGW by mail which were not ordered and charged to my credit card which was not authorized Ripoff