Same story as the rest - $99 taken without my permission

Internet & Web

I've seen several of the same complaints in the last day. Zbiddy has a registration page that much like other reputable auctions sites requires a credit card to bid. I expected to see another screen verifying my information but rather got a confirmation for a charge of $99 some bonus bids. After I thought about it this morning, I realized that there were 2 many missing steps and not enough information. First, I looked up scams... There were tons of complaints. I called the customer service number to see if I would receive a similar answer and my experience was identical to others shown here. I've called my bank to report a fraudulent charge and request an investigation.

The woman "Denise", with a familiar accent tells me that I had a choice of packages on the left of the screen with a link to their "Terms of Use". She then says I would have had to acknowledged this before I was charged. That's not true. Then she goes into this farce of placing me on hold to determine what, if anything, she can do to assist. After "pleading" my case to them, they've decided to have a one time exception and would return $49.00 and provide a $100 gas voucher. So I tell her, this is exactly what I've read will happen so I do not want a confirmation number and will notify my bank. She responds that the bank will simply deny my request because zbiddy.com will submit the terms of use and that this choice is better than nothing. I hung up on her and called the bank.

I am nearly certain that any justice for this is outside of the US jurisdiction and my $99 was probably a
contribution to unsavory planning practices.

Company: Zbiddy
Country: USA
Phone: 18774036978
Site: zbiddy.com
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Consumer Report

Consumer Report

A Credit Card Ripoff

Penny Auction Sites

Unauthorized credit card charge of $60.00

$99 charge on my monthly statement from zbiddy

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

NO Notification of $99 Fee

Charged $99 Without my Permission