Poor product description & limited return options

Internet & Web

First: my mistakes... I was ordering for Christmas online. To save money, I did not go through a reputable organization such as Amazon or a big box office supply store. I did not check the return policy.

Problem: First, the photo online showed a black screen protector. When it arrived it was putty color instead. Second, there was no warning that this device would not fit a flat screen monitor. On Christmas we learned it would not fit the intended monitor.

After Christmas I contacted the seller by email and they did not even have the courtesy to respond. Of course, I also checked the return policy at this point and found it was extremely limited.

However, the company is certainly are on top of continuing to email me to sell me more items. I have unsubscribed.

So I lost $ instead of saving $ on this deal. I do not have any hope the seller will make good on this, but I want to warn others to save them grief.in the meantime, I'll be donating this screen protector.

Company: DiscoutnOfficeItems.com
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Columbus
Address: 302 Industrial Drive
Phone: 18663025397
Site: discountofficeitems.com
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