Princeton Digital Graphics - Princeton Graphic Systems
Shoddy Product - VL1812 Color 18" monitor ripoff

Electronics and household app.

I looked this company up in the complaints and found only one complaint about a rebate.

This info is simply F.Y.I. About a problem they have with a poor product. I don't think the firm is 'bad' or 'dishonest' in fact so far they have made good on their 3 yr warranty.

2 1/2 yrs ago I purchased their flat screen VL1812 color monitor for $451 at Office Max (they don't carry the brand these days). At 13 months it gave only a blank black screen. I thought it was out of warranty but called anyway. Turns out the warranty is 3 yrs. So they replaced it with another and I returned the busted one.

A month later same problem. Returned it and it was replaced.

Now a further year or so on same problem, blank black screen. This is a 'backlighting' fault. They are sending me another VL1812 (the 4th!) and I will return the other in the same box the new one is in, all via Fed Exp.

I have never had to pay shipping, I never got denied a return, I am disappointed in the product but I am not out anything but the aggrevation and time (a week or so each time it died) off my computer.

I just want to let you know that these machines are carried now at Costco and if you want a nice flat screen 19" monitor then you DO NOT want the Princeton VL1812. Stay away from this machine.

The company has had several addresses/phone numbers so if you have dealt with Princeton in Industry, Fountain Valley, Chino, etc. It is probably the same Princeton I am talking about, it is in S. Calif., they just change address and phone like some people change their underwear.

Probably a decent company, just a crappy VL1812 monitor. So be warned, buy another monitor!

Company: Princeton Digital Graphics - Princeton Graphic Systems
Country: USA
State: California
City: Industry
Address: 911 S Bixby Dr
Phone: 7146198000
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Peach Direct
Princeton Digital USA Corp Scam Artist! Lier's! Cheaters! Who should be Strung from the nearest Tree! & Irvine & California

DO NOT BUY FROM GATEWAY - bad products and support ripoff

Fry's Electronics
Princeton Monitor REBATE ripoff

Princeton Digital USA Corp
Rebate processing ripoff, Princeton Sales team 1 (888) 668-756 is a NON-working number TCA Fulfillment
Bad service

Wheresmyrebate - Comuters4sure - Princeton Graphics
Wheresmyrebate, Computers4sure, Princeton Graphics Rip-offs! The most incompetent, rude companies I've ever had to deal with. New Rochelle, New York

Dealtree,, Dealtree-Auctions, Dealtree Closeouts
Dealtree,, Dealtree-Auctions, Dealtree-Closeouts Sold a monitor with 7 day warranty on ebay and will not honor the warranty

Sams' Club - KDS USA
Warranty Rip-off Caguas

Princeton Digital USA Corporation
Three Princeton VL1919 LCD Monitors Stopped Working For No Apparent Reason Company CAN'T Be Found OR Contacted For Repair
Poor product description & limited return options