National One Telecom
Internet Scam, Rip-off, Fraud, Crime, Pedophile, Computer Hijack!

Internet & Web

I have just been billed 280.00 by this bunch of internet scam artists (invoice# 229634). I refuse to download any plug-in from their site and they do not answer the phone or return calls. I have NO long distance on my phone and also have 900 call block so this type of thief cannot access my computer, but they have found a way around it.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to better get the word out on these crooks? The world needs to be aware of their illegal activities. I have kids and this is no different than a pedophile standing outside my house with a bag of candy. They tresspass on my computer, changing settings and leaving their stinking software in my files. They are the lowest form of life out there and have found a way to get away with it.

I have filed a complaint with the FTC (ref# 4524256) and will do the same with the FCC, the National Fraud Hotline, Sprint, the Florida and New Hampshire Attorney Generals, my elected officials at the State and Federal levels, and the BBB of central Florida and New Hampshire. I suggest anyone who has been scammed by these punks do the same. I will spend 10 times the bill amount trying my best to expose these criminals for what they are. I HOPE to hear from their legal staff so I can let THEM know what low-lifes they are too.

Company: National One Telecom
Country: USA
State: New Hampshire
City: Concord
Address: 410 South Main Street
Phone: 8662933814
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