Mindaugas lipskas - dimereseller - adsenseboy are scammers! Be aware! Stay away! Report! Share! Mindaugas lipskas is the internet thieve!

Internet & Web

Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!! Scammer alert!!! Please read this!

DO not deal in anyway with Dimereseller and AdesenseBoy products. You will regret! Mindaugas Lipskas who owns all those site a products is a crook and thieve! He will rob you! You will loose you money and will be sorry!

Results for "mindaugas lipskas reviews" on Goolge (please read the posts there and also the links in my previous post below and you feel it's more scary that watching a scariest horror flick on TV or a bloody gangster story. It will make you shocked and shaking!)

Do NOT Do NOT Do NOT register any domains withwww.dimereseller.com owned by Mindaugas Lipskas! He will steal them from you! And you will be never be able to get them back! He will register your domains on his own name and then if you try to transfer to a different registar he will block you out of your domains access and steal them from you.
He just stole 3 domains from me! Two of those are with a rank 3 on Google! I'm trying in vein to get my domains back thru ICAAN and other authorities but because he has his name on my domains it's impossible to prove it's mine. And even is I provide all the paypal receipts showing me to paying for those domains legally nobody wants to deal with these crook! One of my domains www.euk-marketingpro.com bears my initials and I still can't prove to anybody that this is my domain and that Mindaugas stole it from me!!.

WARNING!!! Dimereseller.com owned by Mindaugas Lipskas HIGHJACKS DOMAINS! Be AWARE!

The scariest part is that after blocking me from the access to MY domains and even deleting me from the Support System and not letting me renew my sites anymore because I was trying to transfer them to a different registar away from the thieve one of my domains (http://3xincome.com which ranked 3 on Google) got expired and now shows belong to Mindagaus Lipskas when I tried to possibly buy it back since I still have all the files on my host. Http://whois. Domaintools.com/3xincome.com

He stole me domain ranked 3 and now it's for sale by him!!! Next one http://affiliatemarketingfordummies.info is shut down to Lipskas too and expires in less then i week too and I don't any access to it to renew to to transfer...

I'm amazed that this crook and his arrogant team are still operating online and the internet authorities like ICAAN, ic3.com, BBB and others still did not shut them down and put them behind the bars where they belong!


Part two:

I'm so angry, disturbed and disgusted with the scammers like Mindaugas Lipskas and his Dimreseller.com and AdsenseBoy.com that are still operating online and nobody can shut them down and put em in jail. Dishonest, rude, arrogant bunch of thieves!!!

I don't know how but I got fooled by them and used them for about 4 years now and the reason was that I bough a Blog Comment Submitter software (script) and they got me to use their horriblehosting company Dimereseller who are a bunch of arrogant scammers too. Back then all their support was handle by a few of russians who could barely speak English. I then got fooled again and bought the Adsense Money Maker (AMM) and upgraded it to Automatic Website Builder (AWB). The AMM got my adsense account banned.

When I opened the hosting account with Dimereseller I had to buy a domain with it and register it of course with dimeseller.com too. And then somehow I bough another two domains thru them.

Eventually things got really uncomfortable dealing with them, their arrogant support and also paying too much money for their hosting. I somehow managed to switch to a Bluehost hosting company who I just love now for fantastic customer support (a real 24/7 most courteous support you can ever find!) and the state of art hosting.

But I still was using their AWB and then I was fooled again by their lies and purchased their Adult Poster Submitter which I had a problem to use as no real training was provided and my support questions were answered in a way that I'm just somebody who can not read their instructions. Any attempts to get any help was not answered and eventually I had to ask for the refund and they refused me and then refused me again and then I said I will open a dispute with PayPal and the reply was: "Sure, please open a dispute at any time; all your licenses will be remotely terminated the same second."... Eventually I got that submitter going somehow but it stopped working after a while... I don't even bother to contact AdsenseBoy knowing what kind of "support" I will get. So that was another waste of money.

But wait - it gets better!!!

The latest big issued i had when it was a time to renew one of the 3 domains registered thru them. I decide I had enough of those scammers and wanted to transfer it to Godaddy. After payingGodaddy for the transfer I needed to get this domain unlocked, get the EPP code and lift the privacy. And that's when the problem began!

The only way to contact dimereseller is to submit the support ticket. (I hope for now you understand that AdsenseBoy, Dimereseller and Mindaugas Lipskas is the same company and the same person) On this my transfer request ticket the answer came (5 days later!) that they don't recognize my user name...
I checked it again and that was my correct user name and they still insisted they don't know me and therefore can not help me. On my question what was wrong with my user name the answer came:
"Well, we are afraid that we can't help fore clients who don't provide the information requested. We are looking forward to serving you!"

I submitted all my user login details again and got a reply:

Would you mind to check ticket fields before submitting the ticket? Thanks!
We are looking forward to serving you!"

Then I ask them what else do they want. The reply was:
"Hi, All we want is valid details."

I checked and rechecked my user logins, I looked up my older tickets on their support site for the username and it was the same I was providing this time too; I found their emails assigning me those login details and even send them a copies to show that those are my logins.
The reply came:

"Well, it's very difficult to explain something to a person who doesn't read anything when submitting new tickets. Unless the ticket is updated with valid details, further replies will be ignored."...

Wow! I was getting really upset and frustrated as my domain was expiring any day now and I already paid a transfer fee to Godaddyand still can not get anything from dimeresell except of bouncing those emails back an forth about my user name...

I went online and found other similar issues people have trying to transfer domains from dimereseller.com. (please see the references at the end of this article) I send Dimreseller a message pointing out this issues and providing the link.

The reply came from dimereseller was: (ready?) "Are you a f* idiot or what? We have nothing to do about that company, so you are welcome to post anything you want."

After sending them a copies of my resent payments to Dimreseller where the merchant showing was that scammer Mindaugas Lipskas they still denied they are the same company.

To make a long story short... My domain eventually got expired... I had to call Godaddy and request refund for the transfer fees and after that I went back to dimereseller, logged in to my domain control panel and renewed the domain with them to save my site. Right after the payment was processed thru Paypal my access to domains control panel got suspended (!!) and guess what! I paid to Mindaugas for that renewal on Nov 3rd. Today is nov 18th and the domain http://3xincome.com still shows expired! All my following support requests on why the domain is still showing expired were simply deleted without being answered!

The phone number listed in every whois database is a bogus so you can not reach them on the phone.

I'm still fighting to get my domain back but it's impossible as there is a privacy on it and the main registar for some reasons is PUBLICDOMAINREGISTRY.com who i contacted refuse to deal with me as my domains shows to be registered to Mindaugas!!!

Now, i have another problem. All the sites that I built with their Automatic Website Builder stopped working (talking over 10 sites) as apparently they disabled script on their site due to me submitting complaints and reports everywhere including Paypal, http://www.ic3. Gov/, FTC, ICAAN and others. The AWB is $150 plus the templates pack another $50 (and that was upgrade fees from the older version of Adsense Money Maker costing the same). So I ended up loosing a lot of money on all they useless software, and loosing more then 10 websites and highjacked domains...

Two day ago I opened a Paypal dispute over the money paid for the www.3xincome.com renewal and my message to the registar was to immediately renew the domain and let me to re gain the access to my domains control panel. Today I received email the the dispute was closed... I checked the domain and it's still expired. But when I logged in to my Paypal account I saw the money for the renewal was refunded to me by Mindaugas! Now I can't t access my domains control panel as the locked me out so I won't be able to renew any of my 3 domains anymore even if I decide to renew it with dimereseller. He stole my domains!!!

I am determined to prosecute the scammer! And I'm looking for a class action to sue Mnidaugas for all his scamming and stealing online since 2005!! Please leave me a comment if you wish to join me in the prosecution of the Dimereseller.com, AdsenseBoy.com and Mindaugas Lipskas himself http://www.lipskas.com/about/.

Posting a complaint on this site is important so more people will know!

Please also warn everybody do not buy anything from dimereseller, adsenseboy and mindaugas! You'll be sorry! They will scam you and steal your money!




Http://softwareandproductreview. Blogspot.com/09/adsense-boy-review-complaints.html



Http://www.google.com/search? Hl=en&rlz=1R2GGLL_enCA340&as_q=&as_epq=post comments com &as_oq=scam review complaints&as_eq=&num=10&lr=&as_filetype=&ft=i&as_sitesearch=&as_qdr=all&as_rights=&as_occt=any&cr=&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&safe=images




Company: Dimereseller.com
Country: USA
Address: 230 Park Avenue, New Your New York
Site: dimereseller.com
  <     >  


Automatic Website Builder
Adsenseboy, Mindaugas Lipskas, AWB, AMM, Adsense Money Maker Fraud, breach of contract, unfair business practices, unprofessional technical support, sloppy software

Consumer Report

Adsenseboy scamed me

Is a ripoff, his products malfunction, he never give you full refund, plimus (sale department) and paypal will not send refund either! Don't buy from him!

Adsenseboy - Plimus - Mindaugas Lipskas
Submit Tracbacks, Adsenseboy I joined submitter trackbacks although I usually don't go through payment processors other than Clickbank. But the deal was too good to pass up

Dimereseller - They are ripoffs - Do not deal with them - You will be sorry

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