"Loss Prevention Analyst", Alex Henderson ripoff Los Gatos

Internet & Web

I did not purchase anything from this company. I accepted a free 2-week trial. When I saw they immediately charged me for the "purchase" of three DVD's, I cancelled after one week and all 3 DVDs were returned to them. The credit card info is supposedly obtained so that After the 2-week trial the customer can be charged the monthly rate of $29.95/mo., but I ws immedidfately charged $64.95 whilein the "free tiral" for "purchased DVDs".

They have no right to obtain my credit card number for the purpose of placing fraudulent charges on it, and I will not pay this! I must request protect myself and my excellent credit against further criminal actions such as this.

Mr. Alex Henderson in Netflix, Loss Prevention gave no good reason for these charges in the first place, but gave me his word (verbally and by email) that these charges had been credited back to mycard on 2.27.04. However, he did not do so. I have been trying daily by all means (phone calls, emails, faxes) to contact them, without response re: this matter.

When I finally reached Mr. Alex Henderson, his response was that another person at my address (apartment building) had also joined Netflix, so I could not join as well! When he said my neighbor had complained about their service and the receipt of many damaged discs. He denied the damaged discs were being sent out, but I have no reason not to believe my neighbor. She said about half of them wre scratched, could not be watched, and hshe had received one that was cracked in two. I read a copy ofmyneighbors complaint, which not oldy informed them of the problems, but even offered suggestions.

However, because my neighbor had used profanity in her complaint (i.E... Too f&ing stupid to train employees to check DVDs before mailing them out...), he concluded that no one at our address could ever receive service from Netflix.

Yet, they are still sending me invitations to return to Netflix. Why would I when their scam is to offer a free two week trial, take credit card info and immediately charge you for the full price of three DVD "purchases"?

A third person, my neighbor's sister-in-law had this happen to her as well, and was told it is because she has as the same last name and city as the "complainer" who had referred her to the service! This Mr. Henderson needs to be fired for taking out his own personal revenge against people he does not like by using the company's website to rip them off. You can call anyone or their business any name you want, but this gives them no right to rip you off.

Somewhere, Alaska

Company: Netflix
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 8886383549
  <     >  


Netflix, Inc
Damaged/Dirty DVDs - dvd rentals

Charges due to Netflix mistake and now they will not pay for my NSF Fee

Netflix blackballs you if you move or change credit card internet nationwide
Charged for items returned, California

Fraud and deception

Netflix / DVD
Damaged and dirty DVDs

Netflix free trial offer McKinney Texas

Netflix Inc
Not Approved Credit Card Charges

Charged me after cancelling my susbscription and no refund
Netflix Rip-off charged for item they lost