CyberDefender bend over you are about to get f

Internet & Web

I paid about $300 for CyberDefender online security monitoring. I have had it for about six months. During that time it is supposedly checking, cleaning, preventing virus and spyware.

I had several problems with it and all of them took hours and hours and hours to "fix" online.

Yesterday (9/27) was the final straw. I was having another problem... The screen that shows updates for virus and for spyware were not working correctly. When I updated the virus protection it would, when complete (who knows if it REALLY did anything or not?!) it would show the current time and date of the update. It would not, however, do the same for the spyware. No matter how many times I updated the spyware "protection" it showed a date of 9/16.

I got online help for the updating problem and, long, long, LONG, story short... They said they couldn't fix it and gave me Microsoft security protection INSTEAD of the CyberDefender service I paid hundreds of dollars for. (The Microsoft protection is available to anyone using Windows and is FREE)!!!

I have since learned that this company is involved in a class action law suit for fraud.

Buyer beware!

Company: CyberDefender
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 617 West 7th Street
Phone: 2136898631
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Cox High Speed Internet
Posted that their security center has anti-virus and anti-spyware potection. Yet, since I've downloaded their security I've has noting but viruses and spyware on my computer

Vista AntiSpyware 2012
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

My Clean PC CyberDefender charged me $179.96 on May 26th, for PC Maintenance with no positive results or correction to my PC Problem (which they refuse to return my money), charged me $39.98 for registry

Dedicated 2 spyware, 2 Spyware, Ugnius Kiguolis Drive by download virus website, caused an internet virus that destoryed computers

Spyware Guard 2009
Fake Spyware, Virus, Extortion, Hijack Compute & FRAUD! TV ad-use email to check pc-it finds MANY virus-to remove Pay 3pmts of $179.99in 3mo LosAngeles, California
CYBERDEFENDER made my computer filty, dirty and unsanitary for use
Consumer Report

America Online - AOL
America Online ripoff puts more spyware on my p.C. Than does anyone