Video Blocks
Blocks Refunds

Internet & Web

Video Blocks is ripping people off by their deceptive practice of offering "unlimited downloads" for one week as long as you give them your credit card info. But, if you download any of their content within that 7-day "free trial subscription" window and then want to cancel your trial subscription you must be very careful to do so within that one week or you're out fifty bucks.

I only downloaded a few things that first day and then didn't get back to cancel my subscription within the 1-wk time frame. They're now telling me "Tough luck, chuck. We're making you pay $50 for those few lousy downloads you will probably never use." Two deceptions here: 1) the downloads are not unlimited but limited to something like 20 per day; 2) if you do not cancel your subscription within the 7 day trial period window they refuse to budge when requested to remove the charge from your account. So, you're stuck with a $50 one-month subscription which you do not want and do not intend to use.

The way they try to cover themselves is with a disclaimer which is bogus. It says, "You may request a full refund for up to 30 days from the date your trial or subscription started, as long as you have not downloaded any clips." [Makes no sense. It's not a trial unless you try the product. They're saying we'll refund you your money as long as you didn't try our product. That's insane! The disclaimer continues with further bogus stuff.] "Unfortunately, given the nature of our business we cannot provide any refunds if you have downloaded clips. This is because we pay our content providers commissions based on downloads of their files."

The issue here is simple. Who would ever request a refund on an item they never got in the first place? You're naturally going to download some stuff to see if it's what you were looking for. That's what a "trial" is supposed to be, after all. THEN, if you're not satisfied, you should be able to request a refund. But NO, they say they have "content providers" they must pay. Well, they make YOU pay their content providers and them many times over for a subscription you didn't want after you saw what it was.

This is just so, so wrong and deceptive and ought to somehow be prosecuted as fraudulent. I'm still trying to move up the customer service supervisory chain to get my money back. Stay away from this company unless you're fine with wasting your money on an exorbitant $50 per month subscription or love to play "fine print" games with deceptive marketers.

Company: Video Blocks
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Reston
Address: 11160-C1 South Lakes Dr. Suite 262
Phone: 8662825360
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