Over-Charge, Poor Service, Constantly Goes Out

Internet & Web

SniperHill is our ISP here in Iraq, and I have never been so thoroughly disgusted with a company in my life. Currently, they are charging $88 per month for 125 Kb (kilo-bits.) The service is EXTREMELY slow, unlike anything I have ever seen in my life, and most times I can not even log on to my personal e-mail account, and calls home from Yahooo are cut out after 12 minutes (sometimes 12:38 seconds if I'm lucky.)

How they are getting away with charging soldiers that make barely $25,000 a year $88 a month is ridiculous, especially since the service is so poor. Another site I was at used USCOMZ, and the internet there was $60.00 a month-and I still thought that was ridiculous for how slow that was over there. There are so many people over here that their only way and time to call home is from their rooms-and SniperHill has disappointed myself (and many people I know) in more ways than one, and if I wouldn't know how to sleep at night if I were ripping people off as bad as they are.

SniperHill recently sent me an e-mail, stating that the internet went out last night: — Dear Sniperhill Customers,

The degredation in service that started following a 40 minute outage on the evening of 24 MAY was due to a fiber cut on our upstream provider's network. They are working diligently to complete the repairs and restore the service to full capacity. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you for your understanding,

Team Sniperhill

I have sent them an e-mail asking if they plan on reimbursing customers for this "lost time" that is beyond our control, and have not heard anything back as of right now. Last night, I was attemtpting to make doctors appointments back home, and I could not even stay on the phone long enough to give a receptionist my information to make an appointment. It is very frustrating, and SniperHill should be ashamed of themselves for what they do to people out here fighting for their country, and charging people this much.

Company: SniperHill
Country: USA
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Internet service Provider for the troops in Iraq

Sniperhill Internet Services LLC
Monopoly, bad customer service, false advertisement, and poor quality

Sniperhill Internet Services, LLC
Ripping of deployed soldiers, not providing proper service

Charges exorbitant fees, poor internet service for Service Members

SniperHill Internet Services, LLC
Sniperhill Ripping off Soldiers in Iraq, running a Monopoly, charging outrages prices and poor quality service are based out of

SniperHill Internet service
Bait and switch practices / false advertising / scamming US Military

Comcast's poor internet service

AT&T Internet

Cingular Wireless
Ripoff Cheating us by charging a full minute on 30-second phone calls on prepaid Go Phones! Atlanta Georgia HQ

Confirmed service outage but appointments available. "Please call back"