Apple Computer Inc
Ripoff repair pricing policies Coopertino California

Internet & Web

I have helped my 18 year old daughter to purchase a 15 G4 PowerBook Combo Drive (part of the educational program) @ a cost of $1,799 as she was entering her first year in college.

Following a three month of usage in the college dorm my daughter laptop requires an additional investment of $1,300 to repair & accidental damage, mainly a new screen classified as tier grade 2.

As most electronic devices extended warranty programs sold today in the US do covers accidental damage I was surprised to find out that Apple Care does not. One example for such program is Dell's CompleteCare Accidental Damage Protection. It does repair @ no additional cost damage on broken LCD due to a drop or fall, and accidental breakage (multiple pieces) is either repaired or unit replaced @ no additional cost as well.

As our quoted repair cost of $1,300 runs at a ratio of 72% from the purchase price, I question Apple on its extremely excessive repair pricing policies.

A computer laptop service repair run @ approximately $150- $699. $1,300 is double the max range and a total ripoff.

Company: Apple Computer Inc
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 1 Infinite Loop, Coopertino CA, 95014
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DELL Computers
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Circuit City
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Circuit City Stores, Inc
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Best Buy
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Circuit City
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Hewlett-Packard (HP)