Computer Services & Communications
AKA Stole Equipment

Internet & Web

On December 14, Steve Krishnayah from Computer Services located at 100 Hillwood Drive, Huntington Station, NY 11746 (631-421-7200) placed an order for one Panasonic Business Telephone System from and agreed to pay for it by Cashiers Check in the amount of $1,094.65.

We contacted the bank and the check was stated to be Good.

We shipped the equipment and when UPS showed up and picked up the check, they gave him another one which ended up bouncing for NSF!

After repeated times to collect, they no longer return phone calls and screwed us out of our equipment and shipping costs. TOTAL LOSS!!!

We do not recommend that you do business with this company and stand behind what we state. Call and ask about order number #625635 if you do not believe in what we state.

We are in the process of reporting to Police and BBB.

Company: Computer Services & Communications
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Huntington Station
Address: 100 Hillwood Dr
Phone: 6314450909
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