Yourbestapplications baku
System Tool protect your pc invaded my computer, sucked me into buying a program, showed a reasonable 19.99 sale cost, charged my card account 99.90

Internet & Web

While browsing, a window opened claiming that my computer was infected. That notice finally took over so that I could not get anything but a big blue page with a detail warning and data to resolve the problem by buying "System Tool." I did not know at the time that Google shows the "System Tool" lock down as a scam. Given my ignorance, I select the box that offered the "System Tool protect your pc" at 19.99, with no renewal fee. Within 30 minutes my credit card company called to ask if I had authorized a 99.90 payment to a "marketing company" in the $99 amount. I reported NO!!! My after the fact search of Google shows that others have been scammed and that the "System Tool program is propagated on unwitting people, like me. I would never have known this had the "marketing company", name unknown, not did the $19 to 99.90 (ie. $100) switch.

Company: Yourbestapplications baku
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Oak Bluffs
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System Tool Spam Scam

System Tool
Sold by one or more online software companies, not by System Tool itself. "Lifetime" subscription to System Tool

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Hacked into my computer and forced me to purchase a virus protection because it said i was infected with viruses

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