Tim Taylor, Kate Johnston Liars, fraud, scam, owes me money

Internet & Web

Yes, I have been a victim of a scam with shopbest, Tim Taylor and Kate Johnston they really know how to manipulate the system very well. I joined this MLM business in March, I was also called the face for Shopbest, I ran their Facebook fanpage, I had direct contact with Corporate / Tim Taylor and Kate Johnston and the employees of Shopbest Tony Meneses and Lee nelson. Well there were more in Corporate but they are no longer there. Wonder why?

Shopbest gives away free Toolbars that are suppose to be magical and you would automatically earn cash back from searching, and shopping online. November would be a year Shopbest has been in business. The so called toolbar that never worked, poor customer service, and much more.

So many members including myself are owed points and monies, I am lucky enough to have never deleted a single email since I joined Shopbest. Tim Taylor and Kate Johnston are liars and work very well together to scheme people out of money. They owe me shopping points, Bonus witch I have followed up numerously with Shopbest and the credit card Company looking for my money. Shopbest claims they deposited the money. I have asked them many times to give me proof of adeposit transaction towards mycredit card Payoneer. Payonner claims they never receivedanything from Shopbest. I also havemany printed conversationslooking for my money with Shopbest online chat with Lee Nelson among other emails confirmed they would look into the matter and send me my money. Today is Dec 26 and 5 months have gone byand I still have not received any payments. Tim Taylor apparently blocked my email for further communication with him personally andShopbest.

I have numerous and numerous emails from Shopbest members going through similar situation. This company is only left with 4 people, everyone elsethat made a difference is gone. Red Flag there!

Tim Taylor/Shopbest have live webinars and ask members to invite guests on them, they have 2 so called WIN prizes webinars twice a week and they say you must be on the call or webinars to win. They say they will announce 10 names to win laptops, certified upgrade and 1 will win a Cancun trip or a companion airline ticket. Hum well as far as I know and spoke to many members that havejoinedfrom day1 with Shopbest NO ONE has ever won a laptop, nor a certified upgrade package... However there are winners for the Cancun trip and companion airline ticket. Well these 2 prices are worthless, why? I was one of these winners, Cancun trip you need to send a deposit toShopbest andthey claim they will send the deposit back wellknowing their payout history I certainly would not dare. Roundtrip companion airline ticket. Oh yeah I have one of these... Again worthless, anyone can go to any travel agency and pick up the vouchers. Some members have received expired vouchers, and you must pick what thevoucher package is and the costs. Who in the right mind would even cash in these vouchers? Theprice packages are unreal and very expensive. Fly to Florida for $400? I can fly to Florida for $99... You see these package are deals made with the agency and Shopbest pretty sure nice money to be made for promoting them. These are not prizes. I'm to embarrassed to even give them away. People would laugh at me.

But funny thing, I have never heard of a person winning the real prizes where Shopbest would actually have to spend the money. I also know Shopbest prints out a list of names a day before the webinar. Bit strange when they say you need to be on the call or webinar to win. I'm pretty sure they are picking names of members that are not active... People open your eyes. When you dial in a conference call the system generates the telephone numbers of people on that call, the webinars names are displayed how much of a coincidence is it that I have never see or heard anyone winning the real prizes such as laptops, upgrades and back a few month's ago they also had $250 cash. Employees at Shopbest have told me people do not read the Shopbest emails. Another Red flag... They are aware who is active and non active. There are thousands inactive with Shopbest they Quit just like I have.

Shopbest also has a nonprofit Tim Taylor has repeatedly said he does not believe in this program. Some members have also asked to see reports on how Shopbest has made a difference with Shopbest cares. We all would like to see proof of these reports, again ano go this company is a big fraud. There areNO top earners with this company it is impossible because they say you make residual income from your downline from everyone shopping. I know I never received my residual from my downline, and I know for a fact they were shopping.

People, I have been there with corporate, I have tons of emails from them direct, complaints from myself and many members that have conatcted me. This company does not even have an acct dept in which I was told repeatedly from Tony Meneses Shopbest employee. Very dissorganizes, Kate Johnston and Tim Taylor area good team of schemers. <br clear="all">
One more thing, Shopbest is a MLM shopping portal business. Another Red Flag!!! I found out they shut down 2 weeks before the most busiest timefor a shopping portal, What business does that? The busiest time for a shopping portal? That is absurd!

All I can say is, I'm still waiting for my money... I have proof of EVERYTHING! IfTim Taylor said he payed me I would like to see Proof, either a check signed and cashedby me or a deposittransaction made to payoneer. Until then I will not allow them to get away with it. And for those involved and drinking the cool Aid and think this company will get better? Think again. And for those thinking of joining? Spare yourself from the worst nightmare and RUN!

Country: USA
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