Best, Shop Best,, Tim Taylor, Devon Cohen, Henrick Risvang, Eric Bakerman, Tim Mehl. Henry Hernandez, Kate Johnson, Al Carmona, Jamie Stein, Georgia Abbatte Scam, Complete Scam. Best I have ever seen. These people are really good

Internet & Web

Keep your money, This group of thieves are at the top of there game. They have one of the best looking websites I have ever seen. I have never been so put together in all my life.
1st they tell you its free and you make money and save money. Then once you and your friends upload the Free Shopbest Tool Bar. They start telling you that you need to be certified ($399.00) to make the real money. Once you all do that, they tell you that you have to put one person on your left leg and one on your right leg that are paid affiliates in order to qulify to recieve any money. Then you need to get 4 paid people a week. Then you need to get to 8 paid people to get in the 1st pool of money and so on. So if you decide to join this group? Don't be fooled by there FREE speach.
Then they want you to get all your friends to a meeting at your favorite place and you pay for it and they will riemburse you. Then when you try and get your money back, it is one excuse after another. I like to call it: The No refund Run Around.
Then you have to decide which group you like the most and join that team because instead of team work they go to war at the top. The top 2 recruitors are women that hate each other. So thats allot of fun.
Now they have a big Scandal at the top between the top executives and one of there female affiliates.

Country: USA
  <     >  

RELATED COMPLAINTS, ShopBest, Shop Best MLM Scam, Con Artisit, Scam, They will tell you what ever you need to hear to get your 399.00

Tim Taylor an Georgia Abbate
Shop Best,, MLM, Free Tool Bar, Best, Complete Scam. Lie after lie after Lie

Bellamora International & ShopBest Review
Karen Petrella Doing the same thing expecting different results search RIPOFF SHOPBEST
Tim Taylor, Kate Johnston Liars, fraud, scam, owes me money

Tim Taylor an Georgia Abbate
Shop Best, Best, Shop Best Cares They got us too!

Tim Taylor, Shopbest, Drink Act, www.tim., DrinkAct, Drinkactbuilders, Bellamora, Lexxus Int'l, My Online Mentor, LLC
Tim Taylor at it again with more companies. Scams, investment fraud, Internet Fraud, the FBI need to investigate this guy - see other reports on him - BEWARE
To have people get on this account to make money getting other people to get into their web site

World Financial Group
With AEGON Is It A Scam or A Business... Answer exposed

Simmers Financial Group
Formerly: Simwey Financial Group Scam/Rip Off

BYU Ticket Office
Customer service scam wouldn't allow friends to join group after purchase wouldn't refund money