Tim Taylor an Georgia Abbate
Shop Best, Shopbest.com, MLM, Free Tool Bar, Best, Complete Scam. Lie after lie after Lie

Internet & Web

Tim Taylor would not know the truth if it slapped him in the face. He will look you right in the eyes and lie to you. I really believe he believes himself. The problem is, he is so good that you believe him and run around telling all your friends what a great opportunity you have come accross. Then once he gets you and your friends to sign up for free his team of MLM specialists starts there assault. They will wear you out with emails and phone calls. They make promise after promise of making money and how easy it is. If one personality can't close you then they have another one call. The more credabilty you have, the more they hound you.

Once they get YOUR money, they help you build your business??? What a crock. They help you take your friends money!!! Now you are standing there trying to explain to your friends why you got them involved.

They are here in Las Vegas now and they are just taking people's money.By the time people relize what happen they will be long gone.

This man brags about starting 800 MLM companies. Yet he is only recieving income from 2 of them. What happen to the other 798 companies and the hundreds of thousands of people who joined.

Am I discruntaled? YES!!! He took me and my friends for a ride. I wish I had never met this man. I can't believe he gets away with this.

If he has taken your money? Don't just write it off. Report him so he won't keep getting away with this.

Company: Tim Taylor an Georgia Abbate
Country: USA
Site: shopbest.com
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ShopBest.com, ShopBest, Shop Best MLM Scam, Con Artisit, Scam, They will tell you what ever you need to hear to get your 399.00

Best, Shop Best, Shopbest.com, Tim Taylor, Devon Cohen, Henrick Risvang, Eric Bakerman, Tim Mehl. Henry Hernandez, Kate Johnson, Al Carmona, Jamie Stein, Georgia Abbatte Scam, Complete Scam. Best I have ever seen. These people are really good

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