Qui Bids
Purchase Bid on Line

Internet & Web

Qui Bid is a on line company that allow consumers to bid for products. There is a $48 charge which for 60 bid points in order for you to bid for a product. You get a $0.60 charge for every time you make a bid. They give you 10 seconds for someone to out bid you. And if nobody bid the product is yours. Here is the problem I. I bid for the product and was over bid every time by someone else. Which is possible. I had pay $48 to bid on an item and received not one accepted bid. If I watch an item that nobody had bid on it then close out, but as soon as I bid on the same item there is always someone to outbid me causing me to Exhausted all the bid point that I had purchase. No matter what I had bid someone always out bid me. The same product would show only one person name on the bid and close out as the winner, but if I try to bid then there will be several other parties bidding on the product. I believe they are using either fictitious names as bidder, or have hired people to pretend to bid on these products

Bottom Line I purchase for products that I will never be able to received. I think this is their way of making money by charging people for something they can't received. My guess is their are some people who they allow the bid to proceed to give you the illusion that the company is using fair business practices

Company: Qui Bids
Country: USA
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Ran up auction prices internally to make more profits and rob people the chance of winning and their bids

Scam Ripoff

It is a money scam you pay to bid on item to win the bid but the catch is you pay for your bids so they have others online bidding while your spending all your money buying more bids to try and win!

Zbiddy is a SCAM - Avoid if you want to keep your money!

Beezid is a rip off. They sell tons of bids, you win nothing

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Live online penny auction auctions don't work like this! Buying bids, bidding, losing auction, bids not returned to bidde

Deal Dash
Consumer Report

Consumer Report