DirectCommerceAcademy charged my credit card $138.67 without authorization, only authorized $2.97 to check it out

Internet & Web

Authorized DirectCommerceAcademy to charge my credit card $2.97 to check out the business. Read nothing about a 5 day trial or after 5 days my account would be charged more money. I listened to the video and decided I couldn't afford it. On 10/23/10 my credit card was charged $138.67. I called DCA and spoke to Ariel, was given a fax number to file a Petition for Refund. Will keep you updated.

Company: DirectCommerceAcademy
Country: USA
Phone: 8003964039
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Direct Commerce Academy
Fraudulent charges to my credit card. Authorized $2.97 but was charged $139.95

Direct Commerce Academy
Work at Home

Ripoff and charged my credit card without authorization


Mwi Premier Health Plus
CREDIT CARD RIPOFF charged $199.95 to my charge card without my authorization

Direct commerce academy
Went on site for 2.97 to "check it out" to see if I was interested, ended up being charged 139.95 5 days later!
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Unauthorized credit card charge

Direct commerce academy
Too 139.00 out of my account when I only signed to review it for 2.97 did not do anything to look it over because I did not want to be charged and they charged me anyway