Facebook Hard drive damage, Firefox System wiped and computer speed reduced toa C R A W L

Internet & Web

Because complaint does not havea classification for internet social networks yet, this was the best classification i could come up with.
I was watching the late show on nbc and the host always keeps talking abooout how great twitter is and how all the good comics and interesting people are in that social networking group.
I went to twitter and signed up. Looks like fun and lijmited to 140 characters and you really can connect with some cool people. Twitter claims that they have verified the identity of every celebrity and i wonder is it really them or a personal assistant. No matter. It is a nice way to communicate.
So far, it beats facebook but...
Why is it taking so long to type a message?
Why are all the letters in my message stacking up?
Why can't i get off of my homepage and check on who i am following and who is following me?
Why can't i call up another page when i can not get off of this page?
Why does my laptop's hard drive keep making weird noises and keep trying to pop out?
Worst of all, why do i get a crash notice telling me that firefox is going down? And then i get the black screen? And i cannot boot up with firefox?
And why is my computer suddenly freezing up for 45-70 minutes and i have to reboot and start over?
And why do the start pages come up all white and i have to wait an hour before they are legible?
And when i try to restart, i have a message supposed to be from my isp telling me that i need to pay my bill when i know that i have five more days to pay up?
So i called my ips in india or wherever they are and they told me they did not send me that message and that i stilll have internet time bought and paid for.
It all goes back to twitter.
None of that happened en masse before i signed up for twitter.
And noplace to complain that i could find.
My friend told me that my laptop is gone. I am running my desktop i build myself and fitted with protective software.
I miss my maybe the $500 i paid for it is chump change to some but it matters to me. I am glad i had it backed up.
For that kind of money, you would expect to get something that lasts!!!
They might be able to salvage some of it.
The only application i had open was twitter.
I called a friend who works with computer and he told me that he heard facebook bought twitter and asked if i had any issues with facebook.
Well, i had to do complete operating systems very time i got on my facebook page with my laptop.
And, there was the matter of the three wiped facebook pages without warning or notice that i was violating facebook policy.
I posted a link to a story about the 1933 german healthcare bill.
A person claiming to be muslim said that he or she hoped that many americans would be killed in another 911 terror attack and i reported it as offensive to me.
I happen to have several muslim friends and they found that statement as offensive as i did.
I tried to log in after i changed my isp and they refused to let me access my page.
They wiped my most recent page after only a few hours.
I think i have issues with facebook.
No notice. No warning. No appeal. No way to tell them i have a new isp and it is still me and i am authorised to used this page.
My friend tells me that facebook might have bought twitter and i might get scrubbed from there if the same folks from facebook are minding twitter.
I had only been a member of twitter for two days.
I still miss chatting with my facebook friends...
Ripped off a $500 customized laptop is a big deal for me.

Company: Twitter
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Francisco
Address: 759 Folsom Street #600
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