Internet Cash Machine - ICM Websites
Lied about giving refund

Internet & Web

ICM Websites lies again. On April 28th I filed a report on about how they deceitfully took $139.95 from my bank account and that I had only agreed to pay $2.95 shipping for something that was to be mailed to me. A representative or someone saying they were a representative from their company said that I would be refunded the whole amount of $142.90. Again a lie! I received $70 and that was the meantime, I continue to accrue overdraft fees by the bank because they haven't fulfilled their statement that was publically posted on 4/28 that they would refund me $142.95.
Does it ever end? I filed a dispute with the bank but have little hopes of recovering the $72.90 they still owe me.
Please run fast if this company tries to scam you into trying their "product" because it will cost you dearly.

Company: Internet Cash Machine - ICM Websites
Country: USA
Phone: 8778633088
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ICM websites - internet cash machines
ICM Websites ICM Websites took money from my bank account that was not authorized

ICM - Internet Cash Machine
Internet cash machine is a scamp

ICM websites - internet cash machines
ICM Websites Internet Cash Machine - ICM Websites Ripped me off for $149.95 Internet

Hsbc / Household Bank
Legal theft! Be careful! They will literally steal from you! United states

ICM-Internet Cash Machine Websites
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Internet Cash Machine
Stealing Money From My Bank Account

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