ICM - Internet Cash Machine
Military spouse ripped off by internet scam icm websites

Internet & Web

My life as a military spouse requires that I look for alternate forms of employment to help provide for my family. I found ICM on line and I signed up for the 2.95 shipping cost and than it advanced to the screen for me to set up to recieve credit card payment. At this time I felt uncomfortable with this company because it instantly felt like a scam. So I backed out and figured at worse they just got 2.95 out of me. I went on my bank site today to find that they also took 139.95 from my account. I instantly went on rip off report and found that they were in the business of ripping off honest working people just trying to find work. I immediately tried to reach this company by the telephone and was placed on eternal hold. I tried customer service, tech support, and billing. Still the same thing. I have yet to reach a LIVE person. I will be going to JAG on monday, and state representative. To me, the money they took is a great deal. And all that I have read leads me to believe they are not going to give it back easily. I will continue to try and reach them. And I will also report as things continue as a update.

Company: ICM - Internet Cash Machine
Country: USA
Phone: 8778633088
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ICM websites - internet cash machines
Internet Cash Machine It seemed like a small gamble. Only $2.97 and I could work from home! I already had acomputer and Internet. I cancelled as soon as I saw that there was going to be another charge. They billed me