ICM -internet cash machines
The ad is misleading. It dis not say much and very misleading. The ad says $2.97 to sign up when i checked my bank, i Was charged additional $139.95

Internet & Web

Ad very misleading. It did not say exactly what the business was. So i signed up because i wanted to know more and ad says $2.97 to sign up. When i checked my bank, I was charged $139.99. I called and was on hold for a long time 10 minutes. When i cancelled which is about 12 hours since i signed up, (they only give you 3 days trial period) i was told The $2.97 will not be refunded. I asked them why? I am cancelling within my 3 day trial period and they cannot give me a good reason. This is a rip off!!! I am leary of their reputation...

Company: ICM -internet cash machines
Country: USA
State: California
City: Lake forest
Phone: 8778633088
Site: internetprofitsuccesssystem.com
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Misleading... Big time rip off

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